Total Members 3  Payouts $0.00  Ads in Rotation 127  PTC Ads 62  Total online: 2392

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MajesticMails Terms Of Service

By signing up and actively using the MajesticMails program you agree to all terms and conditions set forth in this agreement. MajesticMails may, at any time, choose to edit, add and/or delete portions of this agreement and impose changes without prior notification of its affiliates.

Affiliates will be informed of any and all changes to this policy via an e-mail to their primary contact e-mail address provided upon signing up with MajesticMails. If any modification is unacceptable to you, your only recourse is to terminate this agreement. Your continued participation in the MajesticMails program following our posting of a change in policy notice or new agreement on our site will constitute binding acceptance to the change.

Responsibility of Affiliates

You must be 13 years of age or older to participate in this program. Our program is open to both US and International affiliates and is void where prohibited by local governing laws.

You agree to and must use your own name and e-mail address in the sign-up process and may not assume a false identity. You may not sign-up multiple times with different e-mail addresses. Your computer must not be shared with another individual that has an existing MajesticMails account.

You will use your e-mail address / password combination to access your account, it is your responsibility to keep this information confidential, you may change this information by logging into your account and following the "User Account Info." link.

You are solely responsible for any and all use of your MajesticMails account including authorization by you to any third party individual who may use your account.

Should any instances of fraud, system abuse, or any type of activity deemed to be inappropriate or illegal by MajesticMails be detected it may result in member termination and possible legal action. Any solicitation of advertisers for a confirmation e-mail for purposes of receiving credit in your account will be grounds for immediate termination.

You must maintain your e-mail account that you used when signing up with MajesticMails. You agree to receive e-mail advertising from MajesticMails. Limited to no more than (10) per day.

In the event your e-mail account on file becomes closed or blocked to messages from MajesticMails, your account will be terminated. This especially applies to e-mail accounts returned for being Full. Any member sending us gibberish will result in automatic termination of account and Forfeiture of All earnings to date of termination. Auto-responses will also be deleted immediately.

Relationship of the Parties

You and MajesticMails are independent contractors, and nothing in this Agreement creates any partnership, joint venture, agency, franchise, sales representative or employment relationship between you and MajesticMails. You understand that you do not have authority to make or accept any offers or make any representations on behalf of MajesticMails. You may not make any statement, whether on your site or otherwise, that would contradict anything in this section. You are solely responsible for the reporting and payment of any taxes for money earned while using the program.

Limitation of Liability

MajesticMails will not be liable for lost profits, lost business opportunities, or any other indirect, special, punitive, incidental or consequential damages arising out of or related to this Agreement or MajesticMails program, even if MajesticMails has been advised of the possibility of such damages. Furthermore, MajesticMails aggregate liability arising under this Agreement will not exceed the amount of the total fees paid or payable to you under this Agreement. The provisions of this Section survive termination or expiration of the Agreement.


Affiliates may earn by receiving paid-emails and visiting the advertiser websites after they have entered their member ID in the area on the website provided by MajesticMails. Affiliates may earn by referring new affiliates to the MajesticMails program. Affiliates will earn a percentage of advertising revenues collected by MajesticMails. MajesticMails will pay affiliates when their balance reaches the minimum payout rate set by MajesticMails. Once the member has reached payout they may request payment. Payments will be made within 30 days or a reasonable time after.


You may not promote your referral links through unsolicited emailing (i.e. SPAMMING), newsgroup postings, or any other method of mass communication. Failure to comply will result in immediate termination of your affiliateship with MajesticMails and may result in legal prosecution. MajesticMails strictly enforces anti-Spamming laws. Spamming is a federal crime.

Any member caught Spamming will not only have their account terminated immediately and lose any past, present and future earnings, but shall also be held liable for Spamming as we shall cooperate with any authorities and investigations that may arise from the Spamming incident. MajesticMails may charge up to $5 per spam e-mail sent. Multiple sign-ups shall be grounds for immediate termination of all involved accounts. Signing up multiple times from the same computer also constitutes fraud. MajesticMails will file charges for recovery of any earnings received from multiple sign-ups.

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Owned and Operated by Misty Schoiber

Relaunched December, 2023

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